The 50-metre freestyle swimming took place in the Olympic Games has seen certain controversies. It is said that some current exists in the pools constructed by the organisers of Olympic, which helps the swimmers to perform better and also win the title. In this regard, a group of researchers was involved to find out what exactly happened inside the pool. The research was led by Joel Stager, the Councilman at the Centre for Science and Swimming. The group of researchers found that the current helped the swimmers to perform better in the 50-metre swimming competition.

It was found that the swimmers who swam in the lanes 4 to 8 were fast than compared to the swimmers in the lane 1 to 4. Out of the six medalists who won in the 50-metre finals , five swimmers swam in the lanes where the current exists. It is horrific to know the results of the analysis of the researchers.

The research analysis has been reviewed by the officials of FINA, swimming world governing body. Myrtha constructed the pools used for the Olympic Games in 2013 at Barcelona. They did the same for the Rio Olympics. Both were temporary pools which were built for the purpose of competition and later were destructed.

The Recent test suggests that there was no movement of the water in the pools. Tiffany, the Chairman of Myrtha Pools, concluded that there were no indications of current in the Olympic pools.

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